
Are Chemical Peels Safe?

Chemical peels, ranging from superficial to medium and deep, play a transformative role in addressing diverse skin concerns, including uneven skin tone, acne scarring, and severe wrinkles.

Lisa Franklin, renowned for its expertise, incorporates ingredients such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, and trichloroacetic acid to tailor chemical peels to individual needs. These peels effectively remove damaged skin cells, fostering the regeneration of fresh, new skin. As we delve into the safety considerations of chemical peeling, this exploration will intricately unravel different peel depths, catering to various skin types, addressing unusual scarring tendencies, and accounting for factors like sun exposure and family history.

Lisa Franklin’s guidance ensures individuals can make informed decisions about the safety and efficacy of incorporating chemical peels into their personalised skincare routines.

What are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are cosmetic treatments designed to rejuvenate the skin by applying a chemical solution to exfoliate the outermost layer. These peels come in various depths, including superficial, medium, and deep, each tailored to address specific skin concerns.

Types of Chemical Peels

  • Superficial peels typically use alpha hydroxy acids like glycolic acid to improve skin texture and tackle issues like uneven skin tone.
  • Medium peels, often utilising trichloroacetic acid, delve deeper to address concerns such as acne scarring and sun damage.
  • Deep peels, involving ingredients like phenol, reach even further into the skin layers, addressing severe wrinkles and deep scars.

Chemical peels promote skin renewal by removing damaged cells, prompting the growth of new, healthier skin. It’s important to consider factors such as skin type, sun exposure, and family history when opting for chemical peels.

At Lisa Franklin, we are experts in cosmetic procedures and ensure personalised treatments to meet individual needs, providing guidance on post-treatment care, including sun protection and the use of prescribed medications. Chemical peels, when administered by skilled dermatologic surgeons like Lisa Franklin, offer a transformative solution for achieving smoother, rejuvenated skin with minimal downtime.

Benefits of Chemical Peels

Chemical peels offer many benefits, making them a versatile and effective solution for various skin concerns.

Improved Skin Texture: Whether opting for a superficial or deep chemical peel, these treatments enhance skin texture by exfoliating the outer layer, promoting the regeneration of new, smoother skin.

Address Uneven Skin Tone: Chemical peels, especially those containing glycolic or salicylic acid, effectively address uneven skin tone by targeting hyperpigmentation and promoting a more balanced complexion.

Treatment for Acne Scarring: Medium and deep peels, with ingredients like trichloroacetic acid, can significantly reduce the appearance of acne scars, offering a transformative solution for smoother skin.

Effective for Sun Damage: Chemical peels work wonders in treating sun damage, helping to minimise sunspots and reversing the effects of prolonged sun exposure.

Rejuvenation for Darker Skin Tones: With careful consideration of specific acids and depths, chemical peels can be tailored for individuals with darker skin tones, addressing concerns like unusual scarring tendencies.

Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Chemical peels, especially medium and deep peels, stimulate collagen production, reducing the appearance of fine lines and severe wrinkles.

Versatility in Cosmetic Treatments: Chemical peels can be combined with other cosmetic procedures like laser therapies or hair removal for comprehensive rejuvenation.

Minimisation of Enlarged Pores: Superficial and medium peels contribute to minimising enlarged pores, leading to a refined and more even skin tone.

Customisable for Skin Types: Chemical peels are adaptable to different skin types, ensuring that individuals with varying skin tones and textures can benefit from these treatments.

Boosted Effectiveness with Repeat Treatments: While a single treatment can yield noticeable results, repeat chemical peel sessions can further enhance and maintain the rejuvenating effects over time.

Risks and Side Effects

Superficial Peels:
– Temporary redness and irritation
– Sensitivity to sunlight
– Uneven skin tone in rare cases
– Cold sores may be triggered in susceptible individuals
Medium Peels:
– Swelling and redness lasting several days
– Potential for hyperpigmentation, especially in individuals with darker skin tones
– Cold sores may be triggered
– Antiviral medication may be required
Deep Peels:
– Prolonged recovery time, up to several weeks
– Swelling and redness
– Risk of scarring, particularly in those prone to unusual scarring tendencies
– Antiviral medication often necessary
– Increased sensitivity to sunlight
General Side Effects:
– Discomfort or pain during and after the procedure
– Peeling or flaking of the skin
– Changes in skin moisture levels
– Potential for infection if not properly cared for
– Sun damage risk, emphasizing the need for sun protection
Post-Treatment Considerations:
– Avoidance of certain skincare products, like facial scrubs
– Thick moisturiser application to alleviate dryness
– Limited or no makeup application during the initial healing period
– Oral antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent infection
– Consultation with a dermatologic surgeon to mitigate risks
– Adherence to prescribed medications for optimal healing
– Awareness of family history to assess potential risks
– Sun protection crucial to prevent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
– Monitoring for unusual scarring tendencies
– Careful consideration for repeat treatments to manage risks effectively

While chemical peels can be highly effective, it’s crucial to be aware of potential risks and side effects associated with different peel depths and individual skin types. Consulting with a qualified dermatologic surgeon, like Lisa Franklin, and following post-treatment care instructions diligently can help minimise these risks and enhance the overall safety of the procedure.

Contradictions and Precautions

When considering chemical peels, it is imperative to be mindful of contradictions and adhere to essential precautions to ensure a safe and effective outcome. The depth of the peel plays a significant role in determining specific considerations.

  • Superficial peels are generally safe, but individuals with conditions like cold sores or uneven skin tone should exercise caution.
  • A Medium chemical peel requires careful evaluation, particularly for those prone to hyperpigmentation and cold sores.
  • Deep peels demand heightened consideration, especially for individuals with a history of scarring or unusual scarring tendencies, coupled with increased sun sensitivity.

General precautions include addressing factors such as cold sores through antiviral medication, consulting with a dermatologic surgeon for individuals on specific medications, and limiting makeup during the initial healing period. Emphasising strict sun protection, tailoring peel types to individual skin tones, and assessing the compatibility of chemical peels with other cosmetic treatments are also crucial.

Post-treatment precautions involve meticulous wound care, monitoring for changes in skin colour, and selecting reputable outpatient surgical facilities.

Choosing a Professional Provider

Choosing a professional provider for chemical peels is a critical step in ensuring a safe and effective cosmetic procedure. Whether opting for a superficial, medium, or deep chemical peel, the expertise of the dermatologic or plastic surgeon is paramount.

Professionals like Lisa Franklin, with a wealth of experience, can tailor the peel to specific skin types and concerns, such as uneven skin tone, acne scarring, or severe wrinkles. They possess the knowledge to select the appropriate acids, like glycolic or salicylic acid, and determine the ideal depth, whether superficial, medium, or deep, considering factors like sun exposure and skin texture.

A skilled provider will guide individuals on precautions, such as managing cold sores with antiviral medication, avoiding makeup during the initial healing period, and emphasising sun protection to prevent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Choosing a provider with a thorough understanding of various skin tones, familiarity with diverse cosmetic treatments, and access to reputable outpatient surgical facilities is vital for a successful chemical peel experience, minimising risks and maximising results.

Preparing for a Chemical Peel

  1. Consultation with a Dermatologic Surgeon:

Schedule a comprehensive consultation with a qualified dermatologic surgeon like Lisa Franklin to discuss your specific skin concerns, including acne scarring, severe wrinkles, or uneven skin texture.

  1. Assessment of Skin Type and Concerns:

Determine your skin type and the specific issues you want to address, considering factors like darker skin tones and unusual scarring tendencies.

  1. Discussion of Treatment Options:

Engage in a thorough discussion about the available treatment options, including the choice between superficial, light chemical peels, and medium-depth peels. Explore the potential benefits of acids such as lactic acid or trichloroacetic acid.

  1. Pre-Treatment Recommendations:

Follow any pre-treatment recommendations provided by the dermatologic surgeon, which may include discontinuing certain skincare products or medications, such as retinoid creams or oral antibiotics.

  1. Avoidance of Sun Exposure:

Minimise sun exposure in the weeks leading up to the chemical peel. Use sunscreen regularly to protect the skin from sun damage.

  1. Moisturising Routine:

Maintain a moisturising routine to keep the skin moist and healthy, promoting optimal healing after the peel.

  1. Limitation of Makeup:

Refrain from wearing makeup on the day of the peel to ensure a clean treatment area and facilitate the chemical peeling process.

  1. Awareness of Post-Treatment Effects:

Understand potential post-treatment effects, such as brownish discolouration or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, especially for individuals with brown or black skin.

  1. Hair Removal Considerations:

Discuss any recent or planned hair removal treatments with the dermatologic surgeon, as this may impact the peel treatment.

  1. Thick Moisturiser Application:

Apply a thick moisturiser in the days leading up to the peel to enhance skin hydration and minimise the risk of excessive dryness.

  1. Avoidance of Facial Scrubs:

Discontinue the use of facial scrubs or exfoliants in the week preceding the chemical peel to prevent irritation.

  1. Confirmation of Treatment Plan:

Confirm the details of the treatment plan, including the chosen acids, depth of the peel, and any additional considerations for your skin type and concerns.

The Chemical Peel Process

The chemical peel process involves several steps to rejuvenate and enhance the skin’s appearance:


Initiate the process with a consultation to discuss skin concerns and goals with a qualified skincare professional.

Skin Assessment

Determine skin type, concerns, and the appropriate type of chemical peel (superficial, medium, or deep).


Follow pre-treatment recommendations, discontinuing specific skin care products or medications as advised.


Thoroughly cleanse the treatment area to remove makeup, oil, and debris.

Application of Chemical Solution

Apply a tailored chemical solution (e.g., glycolic acid or salicylic acid) to induce controlled exfoliation.

Peeling Process

Stimulate cell turnover and collagen production by removing outer skin layers during the peeling process.

Sensation and Duration

Experience a mild tingling or burning sensation, with the duration varying based on the peel type.

Neutralisation (if applicable)

Some peels may require neutralisation to stop the chemical reaction.

Post-Peel Care

Receive instructions on skincare, sun protection, and product use after the peel.

Healing Period

Allow the skin to naturally heal, experiencing peeling, redness, or temporary texture changes.

Follow-up Appointments

Schedule follow-ups to monitor progress and adjust the skincare routine as needed.

Long-Term Skincare

Incorporate long-term practices, including regular sunscreen use and maintenance treatments, for sustained results. Seeking guidance from a qualified professional, such as Lisa Franklin, ensures a safe and customised chemical peel experience.

Aftercare and Recovery

After undergoing a chemical peel, proper aftercare and recovery are crucial for optimal results and skin health. Following the treatment, individuals may experience varying degrees of redness, peeling, and sensitivity, depending on the peel’s depth. It’s essential to adhere to post-peel care instructions provided by the skincare professional, including gentle cleansing, moisturising, and applying sunscreen to protect the newly revealed skin.

Avoiding sun exposure, makeup, and strenuous activities during the initial healing period is recommended. Some peels may require specific post-peel products or medications for enhanced recovery. Regular follow-up appointments allow the skin care professional to monitor progress and provide guidance on maintaining the results in the long term. Lisa Franklin’s expertise ensures a comprehensive and personalised aftercare plan tailored to individual needs, promoting a smooth and successful recovery after a chemical peel.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, chemical peels, when administered by skilled professionals like those at Lisa Franklin Clinic Privé, offer a versatile and effective solution for skin rejuvenation and are completely safe. Whether opting for a superficial, medium, or deep peel, individuals can address concerns such as uneven skin tone, acne scarring, and wrinkles.

The careful consideration of skin type, peel depth, and aftercare contributes to optimal results and minimises potential risks. With a commitment to tailored treatments and comprehensive aftercare, Lisa Franklin ensures that individuals experience a safe and satisfying journey toward healthier, more radiant skin. Embracing the transformative benefits of deep chemical peels, guided by expert care, unveils a refreshed and revitalised complexion.