
Can You Have a Facial When Pregnant?

Embarking on the journey of motherhood is a remarkable experience, and at Lisa Franklin Dermatology Specialists, we understand that the well-being of your skin is as important as the health of your growing baby. Expecting mothers often find themselves navigating the ever-changing landscape of pregnancy-related skin conditions, wondering about the safety of indulging in facial treatments. In this blog post, we explore the realm of facials during pregnancy, shedding light on chemical peels, oxygen facials, laser hair removal, and other skincare practices.

At Lisa Franklin Dermatology Specialists, we recognise the significance of the “pregnancy glow” and the unique challenges that come with it. From concerns about stretch marks and skin irritation to the desire for a rejuvenating spa day, pregnant women seek guidance on skincare routines and skin treatments that ensure both radiance and safety.

In our exploration, we’ll delve into the effects of various skincare products and treatments on the skin during pregnancy. We encourage expecting mothers to consult with their healthcare providers and trust in the expertise of Lisa Franklin Dermatology Specialists to ensure a skincare regimen that is not only safe but also nurturing for both mother and baby.

Safety Concerns During Pregnancy

  1. Chemical Peels:
  • Caution is advised due to potential adverse effects on the developing baby.
  • Consultation with a healthcare provider is recommended before opting for chemical peels during pregnancy.
  1. Oxygen Facials:
  • Generally considered safe but should be approached with caution, especially in the first trimester.
  • Consult with a healthcare provider for personalised advice.
  1. Laser Hair Removal:
  • Safety concerns may arise, especially in sensitive areas.
  • Consider alternatives and consult with a healthcare provider.
  1. Hydrating Facials:
  • While relaxation benefits are desired, concerns about skin irritation and blood flow should be considered.
  • Consultation with a skincare specialist is recommended.
  1. Steam Facials:
  • Caution is advised due to potential risks to blood flow and skin sensitivity.
  • Personalised advice from a healthcare provider is essential.
  1. Skincare Ingredients (e.g., Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid):
  • Evaluate ingredients in skincare products carefully.
  • Consult with a healthcare provider to ensure the safety of specific acids during pregnancy.
  1. Deep Cleansing Facials:
  • Concerns about harsh treatments and their impact on oily skin or acne should be addressed.
  • Seek professional guidance from a skincare specialist.
  1. Common Aesthetic Procedures (e.g., LED Facials, Microdermabrasion):
  • Verify the safety of procedures with a healthcare provider.
  • Consider alternatives with fewer potential risks.

Facial Treatments to Avoid during Pregnancy

  1. Chemical Peels:
  • Strong chemical peels containing ingredients like trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or phenol may be too harsh during pregnancy.
  • Potential risks include skin irritation and adverse effects on the developing baby.
  1. Microdermabrasion with Crystals:
  • Traditional microdermabrasion treatments using abrasive crystals may be too abrasive and can cause skin irritation.
  • Consider gentler alternatives or consult with a skincare specialist for modified procedures.
  1. Deep Cleansing Facials:
  • Facials involving harsh exfoliation or extractions may lead to increased skin sensitivity during pregnancy.
  • Opt for gentler facial treatments that prioritise hydration and soothing effects.
  1. Hot Stone Facials:
  • Hot stone treatments involve elevated temperatures that may not be suitable for pregnant women.
  • Increased body heat could pose risks, especially during the first trimester.
  1. High-Frequency Facials:
  • High-frequency devices generate electrical currents and may not be recommended during pregnancy.
  • Consult with a skincare specialist to explore safe alternatives.
  1. Chemical-Based Acne Treatments:
  • Products containing salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and retinoids should be used cautiously.
  • High doses of these ingredients may have adverse effects on the baby’s development.
  1. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy:
  • IPL treatments for skin conditions or hair removal involve light and heat, potentially impacting the baby.
  • Consider alternative treatments that are deemed safer during pregnancy.
  1. Tanning Beds and Sunless Tanning Products:
  • Exposure to UV rays in tanning beds and certain chemicals in sunless tanning products may pose risks.
  • Prioritise sun protection with pregnancy-safe skincare products.

Common Ingredients in Facials and Their Safety for Pregnant Women

Retinoids (Retin-A, Retinol)High doses may be linked to birth defects.Avoid products with retinoids, both prescription and over-the-counter.
Salicylic AcidCan be absorbed into the bloodstream.Low concentrations (2% or less) are generally considered safe; consult with a healthcare provider.
Benzoyl PeroxideLimited research on safety during pregnancy.Low concentrations are typically considered safe for short-term use; consult with a healthcare provider.
HydroquinoneSafety during pregnancy is uncertain.Best to avoid during pregnancy due to potential risks.
Glycolic AcidMay be absorbed into the bloodstream.Low concentrations in facial products are generally considered safe; consult with a healthcare provider.
Lactic AcidA milder alpha hydroxy acid.Low concentrations in facial products are generally considered safe; consult with a healthcare provider.
Vitamin A (Topical)Excessive intake may pose risks to the baby.Avoid high concentrations with retinoids; choose formulations without retinoids.
Essential OilsSome may be too concentrated and cause skin irritation.Use caution with potent essential oils; opt for products with diluted concentrations.
PeptidesGenerally safe for topical use.Often included in anti-ageing skincare products and considered safe.
Hyaluronic AcidNaturally occurring and generally safe.Commonly found in hydrating facial products and considered safe.
Vitamin CGenerally considered safe for topical use.Commonly found in facial serums and considered safe during pregnancy.

Benefits of Facials during Pregnancy

  • Improved Blood Flow: Facial treatments contribute to improved blood circulation, aiding in reducing puffiness and enhancing a healthy complexion.
  • Addressing Skin Changes: Facials can be tailored to address specific skin changes experienced during pregnancy, such as heightened sensitivity or increased oiliness.
  • Pregnancy Glow Enhancement: Spa facials are designed to enhance the natural “pregnancy glow,” leaving the skin looking radiant and refreshed.
  • Minimising Skin Irritation: Gentle facials help minimise skin irritation, ensuring a comfortable experience for expecting mothers with extra-sensitive skin.
  • Stretch Mark Prevention: While not guaranteed, certain facials may help in preventing or minimising the appearance of stretch marks, a common concern during pregnancy.
  • Dead Skin Cell Removal: Facials aid in the removal of dead skin cells, promoting a smoother complexion and helping other skincare products penetrate more effectively.
  • Relaxing Steam Facials: Steam facials offer relaxation and deep cleansing benefits, promoting a sense of well-being and helping with skin detoxification.

Can You Have a Basic Facial while Pregnant?

Absolutely! At Lisa Franklin, we understand the unique skincare needs of expectant mothers, and we offer a specialised treatment called the Nurture Pregnancy Facial. This beautiful signature treatment, part of our Repair Recover Renew series, is specifically designed for mums-to-be. Here’s what you can expect from this rejuvenating experience:

Nurture Pregnancy Facial Details:

  • Treatment Time: 60 minutes
  • Treatment Price: £148

What to Expect

Your highly-skilled Skin Specialist will kick off the session by discussing your skin goals and immediate concerns. The Nurture Pregnancy Facial is a comprehensive treatment that includes steaming, manual extraction, microdermabrasion, and exfoliation, followed by a Rose Quartz lymphatic massage. During this pampering experience, we use our award-winning line of products, including Phyto Gel Wash, Anti-Pollution Cleanser, Refining Exfoliator, Pollution Defence Cream, Luminescent Base, Clinic Privé Peel, and a Clinic Privé Serum tailored to your unique skin condition. Considerations are meticulously made to ensure the facial is safe and tailored to your specific needs based on your trimester stage.

Alternative Options For Pregnant Women

The Nurture Pregnancy Facial is not just a skincare treatment; it’s an excellent alternative for those seeking relaxation and addressing various skin concerns during pregnancy. It serves as an alternative to regular facials and assists with early skin ageing. It provides a non-invasive option for individuals considering anti-ageing injections and dermal fillers. If you have had injections previously, this facial acts as a fantastic addition, allowing for longer rest time before required top-ups.

Targeted Skin Concerns:

  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles
  • Redness & Rosacea
  • Acne & Breakouts
  • Dull & Lackluster Skin
  • Firmness & Elasticity


Beyond addressing specific skin concerns, the Nurture Pregnancy Facial places a strong emphasis on relaxation. The treatment is designed to leave you feeling revitalised, energised, and with a gorgeous pregnancy glow.

The Nurture Pregnancy Facial at Lisa Franklin is a safe and indulgent option for expectant mothers, providing a tailored experience that prioritises both skincare and relaxation. Feel free to enjoy the benefits of a basic facial specifically designed to cater to your unique needs during this special time.

Home Remedies for Pampering Your Skin during Pregnancy

Pampering your skin during pregnancy can be a delightful and safe experience with simple home remedies tailored to address the unique needs of expectant mothers. Opt for gentle facial treatments like hydrating facials or steam facials at home. Create a soothing spa day by incorporating relaxation techniques and using skincare products with natural ingredients.

Avoid harsh treatments such as chemical peels or those containing glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and retinoids, opting instead for homemade masks with ingredients like honey or aloe vera for added hydration and skin soothing benefits. To address stretch marks, consider applying natural oils like coconut oil to keep the skin supple.

Incorporate pregnancy-safe skincare ingredients such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or lactic acid to gently exfoliate dead skin cells and promote a healthy glow. For a calming experience, indulge in a warm bath with Epsom salts, avoiding hot tubs to ensure safety. Stay extra sensitive to your skin’s changes, consult with a healthcare provider, and prioritise self-care with these home remedies, creating a nurturing routine throughout your pregnancy journey.

Importance of Self-care during Pregnancy

Engaging in thoughtful self-care practices allows pregnant women to address their changing skincare needs without compromising their safety or the health of the baby. Opting for gentle and pregnancy-safe alternatives like hydrating facials, pregnancy massages, and skincare products devoid of harmful ingredients provides a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Prioritising self-care also involves steering clear of certain treatments such as chemical peels, laser hair removal, and hot tub usage that may pose risks during pregnancy. By being extra sensitive to their skin changes, consulting with healthcare providers, and incorporating safe self-care practices like spa days or using natural skincare ingredients, expecting mothers can foster a positive mindset and cultivate the much-celebrated pregnancy glow. Ensuring well-being during pregnancy is a holistic approach that not only safeguards against potential adverse effects but also contributes to a healthier and more enjoyable journey to motherhood.